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Our Scottish Parliament Motion

Updated: May 23, 2022

That the Parliament congratulates the group of autistic young people from the Branching Out Youth Group!

This is an amazing step with Parliament recognising Borders Additional Needs Group for creating their film My Superpower and Me.

The film that was shown for the first time at a special premiere event sponsored by Scottish Autism in April this year, was supported by Alchemy Film and Arts, Shared Care Scotland’s Short Breaks Fund, Youth Borders, and The National Lottery Community Fund.

The film was created to raise awareness and educate people in the Scottish Borders on the needs of autistic people, but also to highlights the positive aspects of autism. The fantastic group of young people have been recognised as a credit to their community for giving a voice to autistic people from the Borders and across Scotland.

The celebrates the film becoming part of the Youth Borders’ Autism Toolkit in schools across the region, where it is used to promote further understanding of autism, and congratulates Pauline Grigor on her work as Community Autism Coordinator for BANG in championing autistic young people in the Scottish Borders.

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